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How to Prepare the Night Before Your Wedding

Even if you have spent the last year planning out your wedding details with military precision (we all go a bit Bridezilla, you’re not alone), most of us will reach the night before the wedding and go into some degree of panic mode. You might get nervous about caterers getting the order wrong, hairdressers being hit with a stomach bug and all kinds of worries. Remember that a good night’s sleep is essential if you are going to look your best on your big day and avoid your makeup artist needing to try their best to hide the bags under your eyes.


Here are some top tips for preparing the night before your wedding:


Try to relax


It might be easier said than done but relaxation should be your top priority. You could plan to have a chilled movie night with your bridesmaids, mum or sister with a light-hearted romcom to help you relax. Or if you are staying at a hotel you could have a little pamper session in the early evening, just remember not to use any treatments that might react to your skin or have a last-minute idea to get your eyebrows waxed/tinted etc. If you find exercise relaxes you then do some light exercise but be sure to avoid tripping over or getting a black eye, so no running on uneven ground or boxing workouts! Having a relaxing soak in the bath surrounded by candles should help you to relax.


No sunbathing


If you are getting married abroad then you might have planned your dates so that you can have a sunglow in your pictures but looking red or having strap marks could ruin your look and your wedding photos. Stay out of the sun for the full day before you are getting married to avoid these scenarios.


Have an early night


Getting an early night is really important, as you will need all of your energy to enjoy the following day as much as you possibly can. If you have some effective methods of helping you get to sleep like doing some exercise in the day or practicing mindfulness/meditation, then use the methods that usually work well for you.


Don’t drink too much


It can be very tempting to have a few drinks to ‘take the edge off’ and calm the nerves but waking up with a hangover could ruin the best day of your life. Even a few drinks can leave you feeling blurry in the morning and alcohol dries out your skin, so try to avoid drinking too much in the lead up to your wedding.


Have everything laid out in preparation


The next morning will go smoothly if you have everything set out in place from your underwear and accessories to your dress. If you’re currently still at the stage of finalising your dress or accessories, take a look at Wed4Less for some inspiration.


Knowing that everything is there ready for you to just put on in the morning should help you to sleep better knowing that you have everything organised and you haven’t forgotten anything. You should have already scheduled your hair and makeup to ensure everything is taking place at the right time to get you ready on time.


Eat well


You can be so busy that you forget to eat but it is really important to have some good food the evening before your wedding. You will need to eat a good meal to give you energy throughout the next day, as you might not have much time to eat on your wedding day.


If you follow these tips then you should be able to just relax and enjoy the most special day of your life.

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